Healing Mind & Body

Customized care for better well-being.

Frozen Embryo Transfer - Augmentation Therapy

Couples who undergo IVF experience stress, anxiety, insomnia, and other symptoms due to the procedure's mental, physical, and financial strain. It is crucial to address these issues because they can lower the likelihood of conception. This therapy seeks to ease the procedure using mind-body behavioral techniques.

Comprehensive Care Therapy: IUI and IVF

For individuals going through IUI and IVF, it is critical to prioritise their emotional and physical wellness. Dedicated to boosting the overall well-being of the couple, this behavioural health therapy is advised to recover before resuming their medical treatment. In addition, IUI improves the chances of conception by using a medically aided technique, but the process can be mentally and physically draining. Our therapy aids in the emotional and physical preparation required for the process.

Regain - Weight Loss

Regain - Weight Loss

This therapeutic intervention has been developed in response to evidence-based research and professional advice to offer complete mind and body therapies for weight loss while enhancing the quality of life. Your road towards a healthier lifestyle can be aided by behavioural therapy and consistent use of the advised interventions.

ReGain - Hormonal Balance

It is formulated to provide comprehensive mind-body treatments for minimizing the detrimental effects of hormone imbalance on reproductive health while boosting the quality of life and treating conditions like PCOS/PCOD.

Well-being subscription

Well-being subscription

Is intended for young women in their 20s. It aims to improve young women's general health by easing the distressing symptoms of menstrual health issues like PCOS, PCOD, and irregular period discomfort (dysmenorrhea). Techniques from behavioural therapy are used to target issues like sleep and nutrition.

Active Sex Life

The absence of sexual intimacy and healthy behaviours between spouses can often threaten their relationship. The goal of this intervention is to improve the intimacy and sexual lives of couples who are under stress because of issues with infertility or other circumstances.

Active Sex Life